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Free web Hostings, No Banner, No Adds
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Here is a Large collection of free web hosting sites-Right Click to Open in new window

We work hard to provide the best free web hosting on the internet. Our experienced staff and webmaster community are here to handle your questions and ensure you have a great experience using our services. Our goal is simple, be the best. No Catches or Fees, Ever!

Each free account includes 250MB of Disk Space, 30 gigs/mo Bandwidth, Real FTP accounts, Browser Based File Upload Manager with HTML Editor, and more!
Our control panel exceeds the standards of many pay hosting services. Use FTP, or our web based file upload area to instantly transfer your files into your account and have them immediately available for download.

Most importantly, our goal is to create a blossoming community of Webmasters who can work together to overcome challenges and break new barriers. Amazing things happen when thousands of webmasters come together. Stay tuned for more developments.

"Free Webspace" is a directory list of free web hosting providers (free hompage hosting sites), with over 300 of the best free web space hosting sites with reviews, testimonials, and ratings, and is updated daily. To find a free web page hosting service that fits your needs, use the Search box on the left. If you need special web hosting features for your free web space, such as FrontPage server extensions, PHP, CGI, ASP, MySQL databases, etc

"Free website hosting plans" are a type of web hosting service where you get free web space on their hosting server to create and host your web site free. Free web page hosting has several advantages, but mainly that it costs nothing (no money and no credit cards needed). Free web site hosting services also often have several disadvantages (though a few actually surpass some of the cheapest paid hosting servers in some features), such as limited webhosting features and forced ads. Usually in exchange for these free hosting services, the free web hosting company places advertisements on your free web pages of some sort (banners, textlinks, popups, etc.) to cover their costs, and hopefully make a profit. However there are some free website hosts that provide free bannerless hosting (no ads, no popups, and no advert of any kind), so they make money in other ways, such as displaying ads for the webmaster to click in their control panel, sending email ads, or requiring forum posting (which of course displays ads, as well as causing you to create free website content for them). Other free web page hosts offer very limited services (such as limited web page space, bandwidth limit, and no scripting) to attract users and hope that many people upgrade to a paid webhosting service. Many free website hosts provide a subdomain or sub-directory of their own domainname instead of (or an option to) allowing its users to host their own top-level domain name free. Most of the free webpage hosting providers over the years have proven to often not be reliable servers, but most of the free hosts listed on this web site have been in service several years, so are more reliable than most newer free hosts.


Our free web hosting package features five hosted domains, 1.5GB bandwidth, 50MB disk space, easy website builders & much more!


Free Subdomain of .CO.NR domain name to those who wish to get a cool and free domain name, free subdomain or free short URL, that looks like a real paid domain name:

Do you have a long website address, that is difficult to remember?

Do you want your website to look professionally without obtaining a paid domain name?

Do you often change your web hosting providers, so that you have to change your web
site address as well?


Dot TK is a joint venture of the Government of Tokelau, a country in the South Pacific, the countries communication company Teletok and Taloha, Inc., a privately held company. The Government of Tokelau has appointed Taloha, Inc. as the exclusive registration entity.

Taloha is privately funded and has offices in San Francisco, USA and Amsterdam, the Netherlands. With its management team, an experienced staff, multi-redundant backbones in both countries and DNS root-servers located in every corner of the world, Taloha can handle millions of registrations.

Taloha acknowledges Dot TK can have a big social impact on the lives of the people in Tokelau. The primary goal for both Teletok and Taloha is to increase the awareness of Tokelau in the world, establishing relationships with larger corporations who can provide communication, education and medical expertise to the region and directly fund the island of Tokelau with royalty fees paid over domain names sold. This way the Government of Tokelau can grow towards a more financially independent situation.

Dot TK's mission statement:

(English Only)
The mission of the Dot TK Registry is to create a network of individuals, and companies that have an existing Internet presence and have these users register a Dot TK domain name to provide a free, short, easy and secure alternative name for their Internet identity; where the proceeds of the Dot TK Registry goes partly towards development projects on the Islands of Tokelau.


Welcome to, where we bring you THE NEXT GENERATION of free website services!. To date serving over one million members world wide!


Cheap Hosting Plan - Our most popular hosting plan features everything you need to get started. With 200mb of web space and 5 gigs of bandwidth you'll have plenty of room for your website files and a ton of web site traffic.

Room To Grow -
Although we believe the discount plan is the perfect cheap web site hosting service at an amazingly low price, you can always upgrade to our very affordable professional web hosting plan.
All you need to get started is a Web address. Buy your own domain here, personalize a free sub-domain from us, or redirect a domain you already own.

posted by Smith @ 11:24 AM  
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